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Despotic Definition in a Sentence

There are despotic and murderous regimes all over the world and cultures whose affinity for evil and hatred defies comprehension.
His music and its cryptic codes awaken Akasha, the Nubian queen of all vampires who also ruled Ancient Egypt with despotic violence.
The country will swarm with informers, spies, delators and all the odious reptile tribe that breed in the sunshine of a despotic power.
Taya, who seized power in a coup in 1984, ran a despotic regime in which oppositionists were routinely imprisoned.
In our society it is not the tyrannical regimes with dictatorial and despotic power that destroys our freedom.
It was the familiar despotic argument made by megalomaniacs all through history.
Autocratic, theocratic, despotic regimes allow no political freedom, all thought is outlawed, and brute suppression is the norm.
All it has done is replace one despotic tyrannical regime with another that is mildly better in some ways, and much worse in others.
Obeying no law, despotic authority was arbitrary, and its animating spirit was fear.
There is not a grain of evidence that primitive government was despotic and tyrannical.
Perhaps it was a Freudian slip but we have heard Hyde and many of us are appalled by the despotic insinuations of that remark.
These countries demonstrate that sanctions often mean little to unaccountable, despotic, governments.
Sadly, many nations suffer from despotic, inhumane regimes, and we play sport with them.
In contrast to what we might naively expect, Sumerian societies were not governed by all-powerful despotic kings whose word was law.
In the past, the building of such mega-projects as complete new cities was frequently driven by the megalomania of some despotic ruler.
Many of the planets were run by makeshift despotic governments that intended to secede from the Republic.
Outside the bounds of obedience are the orders or policies established by dictators and despotic satraps.
The bottom line in such argumentation was reminiscent of the objective of all despotic regimes to genuine political participation.
In Africa there have been unilateral military actions by states to overthrow despotic governments in neighbouring states.
Overlord II is the sequel to the hit warped fantasy action adventure that had players being delightfully despotic.

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The despotic governments of Nigeria and Burma are persistent and incorrigible violators of human rights.
As despotic regimes across the Arab world crumble or battle for survival, what lies ahead?
Moreover, the Turkmen example offered a precedent for a region still entirely dominated by despotic regimes operating in a family or clan manner.
Thus, this book clearly shows that in countries where the vox populi is strong, governments take this into account in critical decisions, despotic or democratic.
Today, they are still extracting revenge and blood from a barren land that has been sucked dry by a despotic ruling class and its natural allies in Washington and Paris.
Moreover, American distrust of government has long fed on the abuses of state power abroad, whether by despotic monarchs, fascist dictators or communist tyrants.
Upstarts, such as alpha-type bullies and despotic self-aggrandizers, are eventually restrained, as are overly selfish free-riders and odd-ball deviants.
Unfortunately, as the years wore on, he became more despotic and appeared to go insane, venting his wrath against monks and thereby alienating the powerful sangha.
Those who've come more recently from countries with despotic governments or corrupt police forces fear any contact with the authorities.
Other critics, North and South, blamed slavery for encouraging an aristocratic love of luxurious leisure and a despotic temperament among the slaveholders.
This superego becomes then a despotic substitute of the choked coherent-self.
Third, the acceptance of despotic rule and the rejection of effective constitutional limitations on government are deeply rooted in tradition and religion.
How can despotic rulers be made to abide by human rights when human rights are violated by the world's major powers?
On that blood-soaked continent, the reigning monarchs and other despotic rulers thought up an ingenious system to perpetuate their oppressive systems of government.
The governments are often despotic, and the countries prone to armed conflict and civil unrest.
Even if other nations wished to act selflessly on behalf of the oppressed by attacking a despotic state, the charter of the United Nations forbids it.
Empires are always tyrannous, but not always despotic.
Kambili's doughty aunt, Ifeoma, becomes a symbol of the iconoclastic identity and demystifier of patriarchal and despotic establishments.
King Leonidas defies the advice of the Oracle and the Spartan Council to lead his 300 men against the despotic Xerxes.
Based on Bracton's notes and writing, Pollock and Maitland believe that he was neither a courtly flatterer nor a champion of despotic monarchy.

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Such association is in direct contrast to the obsolete system under which isolated nations are in danger of being subjugated, one by one, by despotic groups such as the Soviet bloc.
Yet, perhaps not surprising, the discourse on Africa is still largely about violent conflicts, pervasive corruption, drought, despotic rule and more.
To act otherwise is to give way to despotic secrecy.
The collapse of the particularly despotic communist regimes in these countries triggered a sudden switch to a market economy coupled with the total reconstruction of the political system and state apparatus.
The Arab states of this zone essentially founded their despotic power on the rent extorted from commercial capital and prevented the formation of a solid and well adapted bourgeois class.
The instinct for personal and national freedom cannot be destroyed, and the attempt to do so by totalitarian and despotic governments will ultimately make not only for internal trouble but for international conflict.
Paying tribute to the proponents of freedom and the defenders of human rights is effectively the proclamation of the moral failing of despotic regimes and shows that they lack legitimacy in the eyes of the world.
It was out of a similar form of democratic nationalism that most of the current Member States of the European Union were born in the face of despotic power.
The manifesto grumbles that North Korea's despotic regime has been given endless inducements to give up its nuclear programme, only to expand its arsenal.
That is, these states are despotic, not so much because they are characterised by arbitrary rule, but because the despot provides and monopolises the only framework for cooperation and communication.
In spite of their many common interests, Moscow cannot afford to prop up states as they become increasingly despotic, for the risk of breakdown and consequent ripple effects are too dangerous.
This affects working conditions, salaries, and the power structure within these associations, which tend to become overly personalized and at times despotic.
The brothers and minions of Madam Mariam Traore occupied more and more key posts, creaming a percentage off every contract, displaying the arrogance of despotic power.
An exhilaration at success, bewilderment at how weak tyranny turned out to be and how quickly the despotic clique that decades for decades had brutalized the citizenry collapsed, gave up or fled.
But it was despotic kings and functionless aristocrats more functionless in France than in Britain who thwarted the interests and ambitions of the middle class, which turned, therefore, to the principle of majoritarianism.
We are therefore aware that we are strengthening a despotic regime, a regime that is stockpiling weapons, and which is gaining strength in that part of the world.
Certainly in southern Sudan, Canada is widely viewed as one of the few western nations that still has cordial relations with the despotic Sudanese junta.
Lastly, Belgian liberals were dissatisfied with William for his allegedly despotic behaviour.
Her nephew describes her as 'an orgulous and despotic woman', and it is clear that he noticed and resented her numerous unkindnesses.
The despotic king dissolved the parliament, and took personal control of the country.
If that despotic and casuistic recluse could have known what my heart and soul are like, she would have advised you differently.
Nature is despotic, and will not be fooled or abated of any jot of her authority by the pertest of her sons.
But it was to be carried into practical effect by despotic or oligarchic methods.
Everything is done to captivate, and to liberalise in appearance, a system essentially despotic.
With such people as the grimes's, the courier was supreme, and his rule despotic.
And he is a man of talent, there's no denying it, but despotic and exigent.
Nor have the terms of truce been yet devised, on which the despotic ruler may rely with confidence.
What peace can he have with those over whom he exercises his despotic sway?
So into the court-yard of the inn he rode, with a curvet and a prance, and a despotic shout for the ostler.
These monsters ruled France for a time with the most despotic sway.
Grandfather went on to tell the proceedings of the despotic king and ministry of England after the repeal of the Stamp Act.
What a rebel against authority you are for one so despotic yourself!
A representative government may be as despotic as an absolute monarchy.
Verona shall serve as the paradigm for the despotic form of government.
Punishment is ever prompt in this country, and despotic methods prevail.
It has always been against the policy of despotic governments to suffer the victims of their persecutions to reappear.
The President had condemned this order as illegal and despotic.
The concentrating these in the same hands, is precisely the definition of despotic government.
The despotic Governor was not mistaken in his estimate of Rivera's power.
The Venetian political system was secret, suspicious, and despotic.

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China, the critics say, props up despotic regimes while bleeding Africa dry of the resources that it needs to feed the Moloch of its expanding economy.
Parlement declared that the Jesuits were papal interlopers who undermined the proud Gallican tradition, and that the Society's organization and ethos were utterly despotic.
His chest heaved once, as if his large heart, weary of despotic constriction, had expanded, despite the will, and made a vigorous bound for the attainment of liberty.
By these means, and by conforming to the dress and habits of the Gauchos, he has obtained an unbounded popularity in the country, and in consequence a despotic power.
He reunited the rival tribes and joined them under a united force of despotic and feudalist power to topple any resistance and citizen's efforts for freedom.

Despotic Definition in a Sentence
