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Java Look and Feel Themes Download

Over the years Java has had a number of criticisms levelled at it, some more valid than others.  One of the most valid criticisms though has to be the look of the default look and feel versus native apps.

It's not easy coming up with a look and feel that will work well across many operating systems but anyone that remembers the Solaris-reminiscent lavenderness of the early days of Java will know that Java deserved better:


Things improved when Java introduced a platform look and feel which did mimic the operating system pretty well but a number of look and feels have sprung up that look better and make great cross platform alternatives.

SeaGlass (Apache-licensed)

SeaGlass has to be one of the nicest looking L&Fs out there for Java and its permissive Apache license makes it an excellent zero cost option.  Good looking enough to get by on any OS, it's a great option to effortlessly spruce up your app:


Liquid (LGPL)

The letters 'GPL' strike fear into the heart of any commercial app developer, however the consensus seems to be that as long as the library is not mixed in with your code (i.e. it is in its own JAR file) then you can bundle an LGPL library with your commercial app.  Liquid is a great look and feel that works well across the major desktop operating systems:


Nimbus (Free, included with JRE1.6u10+)

Nimbus is Sun/Oracle's newer offering for a cross platform look and feel.  It's pretty good looking but it will constrain you to the Oracle JVM and to 1.6 and above (probably not much of an issue today):


Commercial Options

Regardless of affordability developers often don't even consider commercial libraries as an option for their apps.  Since its not essential to pay (they could potentially write it themselves if they had enough time, or in many cases they may be able to find a free library with a permissive enough license) they couldn't possibly be justifiable as an option.

While keeping costs low is an important part of business this can be quite a limiting view.  A commercial library may tie you in to a maintenance contract but it can also save you a substantial amount of time and money and could allow you to ship your product sooner.  Also, if it's relatively easy to replace with a free one if necessary then the tie-in isn't such a problem.

BizLaf (Commercial)

BizLaf by Centigrade is a good looking look and feel and has a number of nice options beyond the usual variation of button shapes, gradients and colours.  Patterns and textures to simulate real world materials will go well with certain apps:


Synthetica (Commercial)

Synthetica is a great look and feel with a bunch of themes.  The themes seem to be primarily colour-based but there are quite a few to choose from and they have some nice touches.  Customising a look and feel for your app can be difficult and time consuming so if you're after a particular look then this might be able to provide it as an easy option:


In addition to their look and feel Synthetica also provide support for third party components like SwingX, NetBeans and JIDE and provide business components through SyntheticaAddons.

Web Look and Feel (Commercial)

Web Look and Feel is a nice clean light coloured look and feel that will work well with some apps:


Easy Improvements

Choosing a look and feel is a quick and painless way to update your app and vastly improve the user experience.

If you want another quick, painless and free way to vastly improve your user's experience, you can use JWrapper to deploy your Java app as native apps on Windows, MacOS and Linux in minutes.


If you use any look and feels that enhance your Java app that we haven't covered or have any other libraries or tips that get you great improvements for minimal effort then let us know in the comments.

Java Look and Feel Themes Download
